Introduction to Bikepacking  

July 11-13

Presidential Range, NH

Are you interested in learning about the freedom and joy bikepacking offers?

Join Cara Lombardo for a weekend of riding, learning, and spectacular views with likeminded women! We will ride for two days and camp one night, following an evening of instruction and preparation at a hostel in Gorham, New Hampshire. The ride route involves some climbing and descending, interspersed with flatter sections to recover, take in our breathtaking surroundings, and capture photos of the grandeur. The first night we will meet and greet, go over gear, and dial in our setup. The second we will camp along the route.  

More details and a packing list will be provided to those who are interested.

This course includes one night in a hostel, two dinners, two breakfasts, one lunch and homemade treats.  Available space for 4 ladies for more one on one instruction. $199 each

Head to the contact page to sign up!

Rental equipment available